Create through collaboration these images are step beyond Graphic Recording and scribing and can be created via simple virtual workshops
Rich Pictures explain complex ideas
Rich pictures are drawings designed to harness all the exciting and dynamic properties of Live Illustration… except they aren’t actually drawn live. You get the same confident, carefully considered and powerfully drawn images as you achieve through Graphic Recording, the essence of which are co-created through conversations and even facilitated sessions. But they’re created in my art studio, with the help of considerable amounts of coffee!
My clients use the resulting finished artworks for a wide variety of purposes including summarising complicated ideas, presenting new initiatives, making visions real, implementing strategies or simply deciding what to do next, what direction to follow. They can even be reproduced in print.
Drawings created at live events make excellent foundations for Rich Pictures, something I do a lot of. If you’d like to explore the amazing commercial power of rich pictures, I’d love to talk things through with you and explore the opportunities.
Find out about the process to make a simple Image of your complex idea.